If you are worried after your surgery and need advice, call
If you are a new patient, our first priority is to arrange an appointment so that Mr. Imber can talk to you about your medical history and your symptoms. You may then have diagnostic tests:
- An X-ray
- An ultrasound scan, CT scan or MRI scan
- Blood tests
- A gastroscopy (upper digestive tract endoscopy)
- Colonoscopy (lower digestive tract endoscopy)
- Diagnostic laparoscopy.
Mr. Imber will then devise a treatment plan and discuss this with you in detail. Arrangements for any surgery that you need will be made.
Surgical support for patients
- Pre-surgery checks
- Anaesthesia: local and general anaesthesia.Intensive care unit (ITU) support as and when required.
- Recovery using enhanced recovery programmes.
- Physiotherapy to aid recovery.
A brief guide for patients having surgery
If you are having a general anaesthetic whether as a day case or an inpatient stay at The Cleveland Clinic London Portland Place Outpatient Centre, you will need to fast for six hours prior to the operation. If you are having a local anaesthetic then you can eat as normal up until the procedure.
Most regular medications should be taken as normal and your surgeon and anaesthetist will tell you if you need to do anything differently.
After the operation there will be some discomfort at the site of surgery although how bad this will be and how long it will last will depend on the type of procedure.
The amount of time off work will also vary and Mr. Imber will discuss this with you at the time of your consultation.
Mr. Imber uses the most advanced anaesthetic techniques available which drastically improve post-operative pain and allow us to see many patients as day cases. Patients who are worried once they get home after their operation can call for advice on .